The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition


Journal of the Korean Society of
Food Science and Nutrition Instruction Homepage

Journal of Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition (J Korea Soc Food Sci Nutr, JKFN)(eISSN 2288-5978) is a Korean journal launched in 1972 and published in Korean. JKFN covers entire field of food and nutritional sciences including food chemistry, food analysis, food processing, food microbiology and fermentation, food preservation and packaging, food engineering, food safety, functional food, clinical nutrition, nutritional biochemistry, nutritional epidemiology, community nutrition, nutritional education, and hospitality management. This journal published approximately 160 research and review articles annually and indexed in SCOPUS, Chemical Abstracts, Korean Citation Index (KCI).

Preventive Nutrition and Food Science Instruction Homepage

Preventive Nutrition and Food Science (Prev Nutr Food Sci, PNF)(eISSN 2287-8602) is an international journal launched in 1996. PNF publishes original research articles and reviews on the biochemical, biological, health promoting and disease preventive aspects of nutrients and food components. In particular, the journal encourages papers dealing with the preventive effects and the underlying molecular mechanisms of nutrients and food components on chronic diseases.

PNF is indexed/covered in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), PubMed, PubMed Central, SCOPUS, Chemical Abstract, and Korea Citation Index (KCI), etc.

Journal of Medicinal Food Subscription Instruction Homepage

Journal of Medicinal Food (J Med Food, JMF)(pISSN 1096-620X, eISSN 1557-7600) is the only peer-reviewed journal focusing exclusively on the medicinal value and biomedical effects of food materials. International in scope, the journal advances the knowledge of the development of new foods and dietary supplements targeted at promoting health-span and the prevention and treatment of disease.

JMF primary areas of interest include:
‧ Effects of foods, bioactive food constituents and supplements on metabolic outcomes and disease risk, prevention and/or treatment
‧ Impact of food bioactives on aging, health-span and lifespan
‧ Modulation of nutrigenomic, metabolomic and other -omic-based indicators of disease outcome modification
‧ Safety & toxicology of food bioactives and dietary supplements

JMF is indexed/abstracted in PubMed/MEDLINE, PubMed Central, Current Contents®/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, Science Citation Index Expanded, Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index®, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Prous Science Integrity®, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, EMBiology, SCOPUS, AGRICOLA, CINAHL® database, Chemical Abstracts, ProQuest databases, CAB Abstracts, Global Health, FSTA®, AMED-Allied and Contemporary Medicine Database.

Food Industry and Nutrition Homepage

Food Industry and Nutrition (ISSN 1226-3338) is published biannually (June and December) to deliver valuable information in the field of food and nutritional sciences to members, industries and related institutions. This journal covers general remarks, research trend, introduction of new technology and product, members’ activity, KFN news, and suggestion for the collaboration of industry, academic, research institute, and government. This journal is published in Korean.